A success history
The company was established in 1980 and is headquartered in Reggio Emilia, Italy; it was born as a fire-fighting specialized company and started with the sale and maintenance of portable extinguishers and fire-fighting equipment. After only 10 years since its foundation, the company created the new Engineering Division for the design and installation of firefighting systems. Through continuous studying of new technologies in its industry branch, the company experimented a significant technical growth, which resulted in manufacturing an certification of its own hardware as an OEM. Constant activities of Research & Development contributed to a continuous growth of the company, until it became one of the most important institution within the national market for Gas-based and Water Mist fire-fighting systems.
The Bettati Group
Bettati antincendio fa parte della Holding Bettati Group, eccc....
The Bettati quality
Bettati Antincendio works according to a Quality Management System, as described in UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standards and ensure that all relevant activities of design, production, installation and maintenance of fire protection systems and pressure equipment carried out in full compliance with the following criteria:
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Why Bettati Antincendio
With over 30 years of experience, the company continues to develop and certify new systems to fire fighting
All products and systems are first tested by Bettati on site and, after having passed all the tests with the quality standards, they are re-tested and proven by various certification bodies.
Bettati, thanks to its qualified technical staff, designs and manufactures fire protection solution according to the customer's needs always in compliance with applicable regulations
Our discharge valve model VHFC10200 for HFC227ea and FK-5-1-12 gas extinguishing system has reached the VdS approval (https://www.vds.de/verzeichnisse/pgla-firmen/).
The valve has been specifically designed to be used in traditional system pressurized at 42 bar and in innovative 70 bar system.
The 70 bar technology take the benefit of smaller pipes, longer cylinder/nozzles distance or make easier the retrofit of existing halon or HFC systems.
A research program is activated with the aim of developing and certifying a constant flow valve for inert gas extinguishing system.
New products are introduced at Interschutz Expo in Hannover.
A research program is activated with the aim of developing and approve a clean agent estinguishing system of 70 bar.
Development and testing of a watermist system with cylinder suitable for sauna fire protection (high pressure system)
Development and testing at DFL laboratory (Denmark) of an automatic watermist (hardware Bettati) nozzle suitable for offices/libraries and similar applications. Development of a silent nozzle for gas estinguishing system to be used in EPD rooms or data centers in order to minimize potential damages on hard drives. The nozzle has been hydraulically and acoustically tested.
The company has been appointed as italian distributor of VID Firekill products (Danish company specialized in watermist low pressure solutions)
Bettati Holding expands: Tecnofire System, a specialized company in installation and maintenance of fire protection systems, is founded. Watermist tests in OH2 fire scenarios (parking garages) are performed at TE.S.I. laboratory in Rome
Introduction of O.R.S. (Oxygen reduction system) and watermist systems with additives at the International Interschutz Exhibition in Germany
The company obtains a fund from region Emilia Romagna for research and development in "Enhanced watermist systems with additives in different fire scenarios"
CE certification for inert and halocarbon gas discharge valves and hardware from the "Institute of Research and Testing M. Masini" in Milan, according to italian regulation CPD 89/106/CE. New Bettati Holding Group is founded and buys out 100% of company Tecnoprotezione in Faenza (RA)
Bettati Antincendio signs an agreement for program n. 2566/RAS with Italian competent ministries and provides its competence and experience for HCFC gases pick-up and substitution, according to italian decree D.M. 20.12.2005
CE PED Certification for inert and halocarbon gas valves, according to italian regulation, 97-23-CE PED. The new headquarter in Reggio Emilia, via Disraeli 8, is inaugurated
The company obtains a fund from region Emilia Romagna for research and development in "Mathematical model for the simulation of finely atomized water in different fire scenarios" (project n. 713, notification D.G.R. 1473). Connected activities are carried out in collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Dept. of Mechanical and Civil Engineering) and the University of Maryland (USA) (Dept. of Fire Protection Engineering)
A total of 150 tons of stored halon (starting from 1996) is reached, part of it is disposed and the rest is substituted with alternative products. Thanks to funds from the World Bank, Bettati Antincendio supplies and installs the first collection center for halon processes in Jordan
The company gains ISO 9001:2000 quality certification from notified body RINA in the matter of "design, construction, installation, supply and maintenance of fire protection systems - extinguishing gas collection, recovery and treatment - provision of theoretical / practical training courses". The company becomes team leader of Firefighting Division of UMAN Association. Introduction of new Inert Gas Systems with 300 bar hardware and 80/140 lt cylinders at "Securtech" fair in Milan
Introduction of inert gas and halocarbon systems at the International Interschutz Exhibition in Germany
Bettati Antincendio introduces its new IG100 Inert Gas System with its own 200 bar hardware at the "Sicurtech" fair in Milan. The company starts an active participation in CEN/ISO working groups for the establishment of standards for the design, installation and maintenance of fire protection systems
Bettati Antincendio becomes a partner of UMAN association (Union of Fire Material Manufacturers)
Bettati Antincendio becomes a founding member of the Environment and Security Consortium for the disposal of halon from fire protection systems, according to DM 26.03.96
Creation of the new Engineering Division for the design and installation of firefighting systems
The company starts its activity through sale and maintenance of portable extinguishers and fire equipment